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Paulo Akashi​


Paulo Akashi is our CEO. A civil engineer with an MBA in Business Administration and Energy Management, Akashi has worked at Intertechne for over 20 years and is responsible for managing Intertechne. 

“We have a very special legacy left by my predecessors that needs to be preserved. Perhaps the biggest one is the importance of people in an engineering company, like ours, and that certainly won’t change under my management. People will continue to be our driving force, but we also need to permanently reinvent ourselves in our management processes and the technologies used, because only then will we make Intertechne an increasingly competitive company on the global engineering scene”, comments Akashi. 

Strategic vision for innovative solutions

Luiz Fernando Carvalho Teixeira

CFO and Managing Director

Luiz Fernando is an accountant, specialized in Controllership, and the company’s CFO and Managing Director. At Intertechne for 35 years, he works in the company’s general financial and administrative management and coordination. 

The founders of Intertechne left us as a legacy the importance of determination to overcome challenges and commitment to delivering innovative technical solutions.

Carlos A. Infante da Câmara Teixeira

Director of Business and Market Development

Carlos Infante is a civil engineer, with a postgraduate degree in Marketing and Advertising and an MBA in Project Management. At Intertechne for 30 years, he currently works in market development, business development and institutional relations for the company. 

Today we are a team of more than 700 professionals passionate about engineering.

Paulo Akashi​

Diretor presidente

Paulo Akashi é o nosso diretor presidente. Engenheiro Civil com MBA em Projetos de investimentos – viabilidade, implantação e operação e em gerenciamento de energia, Akashi trabalha na Intertechne há 13 anos e é responsável pela gestão da Intertechne.

Temos um legado muito especial deixado pelos meus antecessores e que precisa ser preservado. Talvez o maior deles seja a importância das pessoas em uma empresa de engenharia como a nossa e com certeza isso não vai mudar em minha gestão. As pessoas continuarão sendo a nossa força motriz, mas também precisamos nos reinventar de forma permanente em nossos de processos de gestão e nas tecnologias utilizadas, porque somente assim vamos fazer da Intertechne uma empresa cada vez mais competitiva no cenário global da engenharia”, comenta Akashi.

Dentre os objetivos de Paulo Akashi, estão o contínuo aumento do reconhecimento da Intertechne como uma empresa de excelência em engenharia consultiva e a realização de investimentos em tecnologias de ponta visando incrementar a performance das soluções desenvolvidas.

José Pinheiro Machado

Director of the Water & Energy Unit

 José Pinheiro is a civil engineer, with a master’s degree in hydraulics and specializations in business administration and Energy Management, and director of the Water and Energy Business Unit. At Intertechne for 35 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

Beatriz Mulinari

Director of the Infrastructure Unit

Beatriz is a civil engineer, specialized in Business Administration and Management, Foreign Trade and International Business, and director of the Infrastructure Business Unit. At Intertechne for 16 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

Marcos Antonio Dalcin Junior

Director of the Oil & Gas Unit

Marcos Dalcin is a civil engineer, with a master’s degree in concrete from ENS-Cachan/France, and the director of the Oil and Gas Business Unit. At Intertechne for 13 years and has a total of 23 years of experience in infrastructure projects, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development.

Paulo Akashi​

Diretor presidente

Paulo Akashi é o nosso diretor presidente. Engenheiro Civil com MBA em Projetos de investimentos – viabilidade, implantação e operação e em gerenciamento de energia, Akashi trabalha na Intertechne há 13 anos e é responsável pela gestão da Intertechne.

Temos um legado muito especial deixado pelos meus antecessores e que precisa ser preservado. Talvez o maior deles seja a importância das pessoas em uma empresa de engenharia como a nossa e com certeza isso não vai mudar em minha gestão. As pessoas continuarão sendo a nossa força motriz, mas também precisamos nos reinventar de forma permanente em nossos de processos de gestão e nas tecnologias utilizadas, porque somente assim vamos fazer da Intertechne uma empresa cada vez mais competitiva no cenário global da engenharia”, comenta Akashi.

Dentre os objetivos de Paulo Akashi, estão o contínuo aumento do reconhecimento da Intertechne como uma empresa de excelência em engenharia consultiva e a realização de investimentos em tecnologias de ponta visando incrementar a performance das soluções desenvolvidas.

Cristiano Andrade de Alencar

Director of the New Energies Unit

Cristiano is a mechanical engineer, specialized in Project Management, Renewable Energies, Energy Systems, and director of the New Energies Business Unit. At Intertechne for 10 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

And to guarantee excellence in all our areas of activity, we have a governance and organizational structure made up of corporate boards and business unit boards.

Ricardo Martins Pinheiro

Director of the Mining Unit

Ricardo is a civil engineer, specialized in Project Management, Building Pathology and director of the Mining Business Unit. At Intertechne for 17 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

We have specific directorates for 6 business units (Water and energy, Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, New Energies, Mining and Management).

Fernando Prado

Director of the Management Unit

Fernando is a mechanical engineer, specialized in Project Management, and director of the Management Business Unit. At Intertechne for 9 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

Paulo Akashi​


Paulo Akashi is our CEO. A civil engineer with an MBA in Business Administration and Energy Management, Akashi has worked at Intertechne for over 20 years and is responsible for managing Intertechne. 

“We have a very special legacy left by my predecessors that needs to be preserved. Perhaps the biggest one is the importance of people in an engineering company, like ours, and that certainly won’t change under my management. People will continue to be our driving force, but we also need to permanently reinvent ourselves in our management processes and the technologies used, because only then will we make Intertechne an increasingly competitive company on the global engineering scene”, comments Akashi. 

Strategic vision for innovative solutions

Luiz Fernando Carvalho Teixeira

CFO and Managing Director

Luiz Fernando is an accountant, specialized in Controllership, and the company’s CFO and Managing Director. At Intertechne for 35 years, he works in the company’s general financial and administrative management and coordination. 

Carlos A. Infante

Director of Business and Market Development


Carlos Infante is a civil engineer, with a postgraduate degree in Marketing and Advertising and an MBA in Project Management. At Intertechne for 30 years, he currently works in market development, business development and institutional relations for the company. 

José Pinheiro Machado

Director of the Water & Energy Unit

José Pinheiro is a civil engineer, with a master’s degree in hydraulics and specializations in business administration and Energy Management, and director of the Water and Energy Business Unit. At Intertechne for 35 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

Francisco Vilas Boas

Diretor da Unidade de Óleo & Gás

Colaborador da Intertechne há 9 anos, Francisco Vilas Boas é o diretor da unidade de negócios de Óleo & Gás.

 Formado em Engenharia Elétrica, com especialização em Qualidade de Energia e MBA em gestão de projetos, Francisco iniciou a sua carreira na empresa na diretoria técnica de Óleo & Gás, participando na gestão dos contratos, na elaboração de propostas, negociações e formação do time técnico da unidade.

 O segmento de Óleo & Gás é relativamente novo, mas já tem importantes clientes como Petrobras e PetroRio, Braskem, grandes refinarias como a REFIT e outras empresas de destaque no segmento como Ocyan, Kaefer, Wood Group, VIVIX e UTC.

 Com uma equipe dedicada a O&G alocada nos escritórios da empresa no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Alegre e Macaé, a Intertechne está estruturada para atuar nas áreas Onshore e Offshore em todo Brasil.

Beatriz Mulinari

Director of the Infrastructure Unit

Beatriz is a civil engineer, specialized in Business Administration and Management, Foreign Trade and International Business, and director of the Infrastructure Business Unit. At Intertechne for 16 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

The founders of Intertechne left us as a legacy the importance of determination to overcome challenges and commitment to delivering innovative technical solutions.

Francisco Vilas Boas

Director of the Oil & Gas Unit

Francisco is an electrical engineer, specialized in Energy Quality and Project Management, and director of the Oil and Gas Business Unit. At Intertechne for 12 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

Francisco Vilas Boas

Diretor da Unidade de Óleo & Gás

Colaborador da Intertechne há 9 anos, Francisco Vilas Boas é o diretor da unidade de negócios de Óleo & Gás.

 Formado em Engenharia Elétrica, com especialização em Qualidade de Energia e MBA em gestão de projetos, Francisco iniciou a sua carreira na empresa na diretoria técnica de Óleo & Gás, participando na gestão dos contratos, na elaboração de propostas, negociações e formação do time técnico da unidade.

 O segmento de Óleo & Gás é relativamente novo, mas já tem importantes clientes como Petrobras e PetroRio, Braskem, grandes refinarias como a REFIT e outras empresas de destaque no segmento como Ocyan, Kaefer, Wood Group, VIVIX e UTC.

 Com uma equipe dedicada a O&G alocada nos escritórios da empresa no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Alegre e Macaé, a Intertechne está estruturada para atuar nas áreas Onshore e Offshore em todo Brasil.

Cristiano Andrade de Alencar

Director of the New Energies Unit

Cristiano is a mechanical engineer, specialized in Project Management, Renewable Energies, Energy Systems, and director of the New Energies Business Unit. At Intertechne for 10 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

Francisco Vilas Boas

Diretor da Unidade de Óleo & Gás

Colaborador da Intertechne há 9 anos, Francisco Vilas Boas é o diretor da unidade de negócios de Óleo & Gás.

 Formado em Engenharia Elétrica, com especialização em Qualidade de Energia e MBA em gestão de projetos, Francisco iniciou a sua carreira na empresa na diretoria técnica de Óleo & Gás, participando na gestão dos contratos, na elaboração de propostas, negociações e formação do time técnico da unidade.

 O segmento de Óleo & Gás é relativamente novo, mas já tem importantes clientes como Petrobras e PetroRio, Braskem, grandes refinarias como a REFIT e outras empresas de destaque no segmento como Ocyan, Kaefer, Wood Group, VIVIX e UTC.

 Com uma equipe dedicada a O&G alocada nos escritórios da empresa no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Alegre e Macaé, a Intertechne está estruturada para atuar nas áreas Onshore e Offshore em todo Brasil.

We have specific directorates for 6 business units (Water and energy, Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, New Energies, Mining and Management).

Ricardo Martins Pinheiro

Director of the Mining Unit

Ricardo is a civil engineer, specialized in Project Management, Building Pathology and director of the Mining Business Unit. At Intertechne for 17 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

Fernando Prado

Director of the Management Unit

Fernando is a mechanical engineer, specialized in Project Management, and director of the Management Business Unit. At Intertechne for 9 years, he works in the general coordination of the Unit’s service contracts, as well as resources and business development actions for the Unit’s development. 

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